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PRESIDENT’S MESSAGEICYMIJennifer Hemingway, DO KCOA President,Board of DirectorsI hope you have been able to enjoy the final days of a beautiful summer in West Michigan. The summer months seems to go by faster than the rest of the year. Because of that I’m dedicating this news update as an issue of “ICYMI —In case you missed it”, recapping some of the issues that will be facing us as we get ourselves back into the fall routine.2015 MOA Autumn Scientific ConventionRight here! Join other West Michigan colleagues and friends from around the state in another MOA Scientific Convention. Take advantage of this accessible CME right here in downtown Grand Rapids.17 AOA Category 1-A Credits AnticipatedNovember 6-8th, 2015Amway Grand Plaza187 Monroe Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MIRegister by October 30, 2015 for early bird discount. www.domoa.orgCME SessionsFriday: 1 - 5 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday: 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.Submit Your AbstractThe Michigan Osteopathic Association (MOA) is currently accepting abstracts for the MOA Annual Autumn Scientific Research Exhibit (SRE) Competition that will be heldon November 7, 2015 at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids. Please encourage your colleagues (students, residents, interns, practicing physicians), to participate. The SRE submission deadline is October 23 and the competition is capped at 25, for more information please visit or to our MSU-COM graduatesFor the 15th year, the MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine ranks in the top 10 percent of all medical schools.CONTINUED ON PAGE 16SUMMER 2015 KCMS/KCOA BULLETIN 15KCOA

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