SBAM COVID-19 Webinar Archives:
CARES Act Package (Presented by Maner Costerisan March 31, 2020)
Recording | Slides
FFCRA and Critical Infrastructure (Presented by Warner Norcross & Judd April 1, 2020)
Recording | Slides
HR & Legal Strategies (Presented by Bodman Law Firm April 2, 2020)
Recording | Slides
Navigating Small Business Financial Options During COVID (Presented by SBA April 3, 2020)
Recording | Slides | Daily Flash Spreadsheet| CRFPP Spreadsheet
While information has been updated frequently, it is advised that you speak with your bank or credit union for direction and deadlines. If you have any questions for resources, do not hesitate to contact the KCMS Office at 616-458-4157.